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Creating Impactiful Infographics & Data Visuals – Information is Beautiful (workshop)

Elements ...or What Makes Good Viz?

Concept, question

interesting problem / question / puzzle

Goal, purpose

useful and impactful

Visualisation, design

attractive and digestible

Data, information

sound and trustworthy

what info? facts, stats, issues, theories, relationships

Method Overview

Seed β†’ Concept β†’ Sketch / Research β†’ Design

Concept, question

Seed β†’ Concept β†’ Sketch/Research β†’ Design

IoB method is generally concept-driven

start with a seed β†’ turn it into a concept β†’ begin dataviz work

vs traditional: Data β†’ Concept β†’ Sketch β†’ Design

also used by IoB, but just 10 percent

1. Seed

idea, image, question, dataset, problem, subject, angle, ...

Where to look for inspiration (positive / negative concepting):

boredom β†’ How can I make this interesting? / What do you find really boring?

ignorance β†’ How can I complete this picture? / What don't you know?

bewilderment β†’ How can I clarify this? / What don't you understand?

frustration β†’ How can I make this work better? / What annoys you

2. Goal + Audience

What is the purpose of the dataviz?

What does the message say and why? To what end?

What is the audience? Characteristics of the recepients?

3. Metrics

What's important, interesting or essential

Explore: come up with about 5

Isolate the metrics


systematic: track development, display a system, give an overview, test solutions

analytic: spot specific data, show trends, compare outcomes, find patterns or outliers

communication: convey a message, reveal something beautiful, support arguments, tell a story, show your audience something


sketching = superpower: always begin with sketches

supereasy, supercheap, superquick, superflexible prototyping

it is NOT drawing (no need to know how to draw)

dataviz = skillful and thoutful encoding of information into visual language that allows quick and easy decoding of the message by the recepient






2 types of interactive graphics

light (exhibitory) = rollovers, emphasis

hard (exploratory) = sorting, filtering

generally good idea to 1st develop static version and then, in case, interactive version

starting with interactive brings problems