
Powered by 🌱Roam Garden

About Dataviz.Garden

The concept of Garden

Dataviz.Garden draws upon not-so-old heritage of websites which resemble blogs but are something else. They are less orderly, less chronological, less consistent but more interconnected and, hopefully, more interesting.

Joel Hooks provides a nice definition.

The phrase "digital garden" is a metaphor for thinking about writing and creating that focuses less on the resulting "showpiece" and more on the process, care, and craft it takes to get there.

Maggie Appleton takes her brief history of the digital garden to Mark Bernstein's 1998 essayΒ Hypertext Gardens, and she's right on the money:

To put it in a bigger picture context, Mark's writing was part of a larger conversation happening throughout the nineties around hypertext and its metaphorical framing.

My way into this space started by looking for both note-taking and analytical tools to help me organise stuff I wanted to explore.

Note-taking: I discovered TiddlyWiki. A good tool, an old one – building longer than most on internet pioneer Ted Nelson's ideas. It's just a html file. Which is cool until you want more.

Then Roam appeared. On the surface, if you take two seconds, it looks like a clone of Workflowy or Dynalist. In reality, mucho mas more, driven by far-reaching imagination of its co-founder, Conor White-Sullivan.

Analytics (qualitative): there are not many apps out there. Striking. Maybe some too much specialised academic programs. Except for...

Tinderbox, available only on Mac. It is an exception. It allows you to play with ideas. But its UX is a decade old, as it is developed by its founder and not a wider team. The founder? Mark Bernstein mentioned above.

And, again, the prodigy, Roam. Especially with all the community-built extensions. Look for roamcult.

How this Garden is built

All notes are first written in Roam. And then...


Roam.Garden is what takes my Roam notes and publishes them here. With zero pain. God bless Vlad Sitalo who engineered this solution.

Vlad did something I tried to do too. That is taking the open-source solutions of turning Roam notes into websites and make it work. There are some.

I was hardly able to do it for myself (gatsby build wouldn't look like develop, making it clear to me I'm punching above my weight in this endeavour).

Vlad was able to look at examples of what can be done, expand on them, and make them a platform.


Why Dataviz?

See more here: Mira K.

Referenced in

How and Why to Sketch When Visualizing Data – Dee Williams

Dee mentions that – like writing stuff down (btw, that's why this garden exists) – sketching is a process of externalisation of thoughts. And that is something that helps thinking and learning a lot.