
Powered by 🌱Roam Garden


Basic Info

RESTful in nature and is accessed via Basic HTTP(S) authentication

API Developer Account

note you should register from the device you intend to access the API from as your IP address will be linked to your account and may determine your access to the API

Sample API Calls and Responses

All requests will be denied without a key and email address.

This API only uses the GET or POST request. A GET request is advised whereby all data sent will be contained within standard Query String parameter formats and URLencoded.

All responses from the API shall be formatted as JSON unless specifically requested in either XML, CSV or TXT format.

TXT format returns a plain text csv string.

A limit of 500 lines of data (1000 rows for monadic) will be returned by default for ACLED and Actor data types. Larger requests may be made, however.

All fields, specific to the data type, will be returned by default. Reduced field lists can be requested for some data types.

ACLED data is returned in date order DESC (starting with the latest).

Referenced in